Audio Guide - How to Get Better in Bed — SARASENSE - Sex Coach, Sexologist, Educator - Hong Kong & Singapore
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Want to become an amazing lover and have the sex life of your dreams? This FREE audio guide will give you 3 critical strategies to help you creatively and confidently rock it between the sheets.




want to get better in bed? this guide will get you started.

Becoming a better lover is simpler than you think (and has nothing to do with sex positions or other sexual techniques.) It’s based on 3 strategies for gaining more sexual confidence that I’ve taught hundreds of people and included for you in my FREE audio guide.

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Download this audio guide to discover: 

  • The #1 tip for experiencing more joy, pleasure and satisfaction in the bedroom

  • Easy, practical ways to spice up your sex life so things don’t get boring over time

  • The secret behind how to keep those distracting thoughts at bay while cultivating a deeper, more intimate connection with your partner

I thoroughly enjoyed this audio guide... great information. I realised I’m not a very good recipient of pleasure, as it can leave me feeling vulnerable. Thanks for the helpful suggestions. Now to work on it.
— Robert, United States

hi, i’m Sara :)

I’m a certified sex coach and educator, and creator of this audio guide.

I help people gain sexual confidence by overcoming shame, exploring their sexuality and communicating more meaningfully around sex.

I am most passionate about helping people who had a limited sex education build the foundations to becoming erotically free, adventurous and connected with their sexuality. 

Sex is a skill, and I believe everyone can learn how to get better in bed. I’d love to support you in your journey.


become a confident lover. get better in bed.

This free audio guide will give you the strategies to creatively and confidently rock it between the sheets. Get it now.
