Intimacy Language Quiz Result Hawk.jpg


Congratulations, Hawk!

Your Intimacy Language is Rational, Dynamic and Authoritative

Hawks use intimacy language that is rational, dynamic and authoritative. You take the initiative to talk about anything, sex included, and aren’t afraid of confrontation. You tend to dominate conversations, and are sometimes quick to judge. You like to figure things out, solve problems and get results.


Coaching Guidance for you

  1. Create a safe space for your lover(s) to share their feelings. Talking about sex can be tricky, so take the time to acknowledge and encourage your lover without judging them or cutting them off. Try nodding and using brief verbal affirmations like, “I understand” or “Thank you for telling me” to encourage more open sharing.  

  2. Remember, you don’t always have to have all the answers. Instead of asserting your opinion or racing to find a solution, take a moment to reflect back on what was said with, “Sounds like what you’re saying is…”. Or try asking, “What can I do to support you?”

  3. Want to gain a deeper understanding of what your lover(s) are telling you and enjoy a sexual connection that only gets hotter with time? I hear ya and I’d love to help! Fast-track your intimate communication skills by checking out my Sexy Talks masterclass and get the tools for navigating challenging topics with more confidence (and less awkwardness!).